

Our dustless blasting system can save hours of preparation when needing to remove old paint or rust. It makes less mess and is more eco friendly than any other type of blasting, and it doesn’t warp thin metal either as there is no build up of heat on the working area. During use the abrasive (such as recycled bottle glass) gets trapped in water and grounded, eliminating the airborne plume of dust produced by other systems that tends to cover everything nearby.

Yes, dustless blasting can do that!

A few projects demonstrating the wide range of applications for dustless blasting


Two weeks work at this old barn, at the start of its conversion into a one-of-a-kind home. Beams blasted back to bare metal and spray coated. 

Vintage vehicle restorations

This 1941 Morris 8 came in for a full shell job. For its age it was in great condition too.


We exposed the natural beauty of Victorian brickwork by blasting the frontage and removing a tatty old paint job. One of our favourite things to do.

Flatbed trucks

We cleaned up this Recovery Truck for A1 Bodyworx in Wimborne, giving the flatbed a smooth metal finish ready for a fresh new look.

Marine maintenance

These are the sort of projects that dustless blasting excels at, and that we specialise in – removal of layers of old marine antifouling paint and marine growth on boats of all sizes. Our system won’t damage the hull or leave the heavy pitting caused by other blasting systems, creating a smooth finish ready for new paint.

SDB for WQI Marine, Poole


Full inside and out blasting of this horsebox, preparing it to be converted into a catering trailer and shipped to Ireland.

Garden furniture

Iron garden furniture comes up a treat with a little dustless blasting; this table and fire basket backing plate are given a new lease of life.


The Front Skatepark is right next to the beach at Weymouth, so it gets hammered by the weather. It’s a charity run park only charging the kids a pound to get in which is amazing. SDB dealt with all the bad rust.

Bought this rusty old trunk for a fiver at a car boot, planning to use it as a before-and-after demonstration piece at shows.

I love how it came out.

Armoured vehicle

We take a lot of vehicles back to bare metal for restoration projects; this one was a little unusual – a British Army FV434 Armoured Repair Vehicle from the 1960s.


Wheels of all styles and sizes, for all types of vehicle, blasted and brought back to good-as-new

Vehicle Restorations

This sweet 1965 C10 Chevy truck bed back to bare metal at Victory Restos in Bristol.

We also removed the inside protection coating – normally a nightmare to get off but no problem for the dustless system!

Camper van restoration

This VW Splitty engine bay was cleaned up ready for a paint job; the ‘after’ photo shows it with primer (applied by the client, not by SDB).

Vehicle Restorations

Nice solid 1954 Oval blasted for the Old Dub Shop in Bristol.

Another beetle restoration I’m looking forward to seeing back on the road again.